Hi Friends!
This website is the best place to be at! HAVE FUN!
Welcome to the world of spark and sparkles! Our two protagonists bearing with them the resplendence of multicultural plurality peacocking in all hues and tones of the human race.
NO, we aren’t selling cosmetics if we seemed to suggest that you pick a shade card, however we do implore you to recognize the common crimson sheathing our uniform skeletons. strap on some wings beneath your feet like spark and sparkle do and traverse with them to meet new people, frollic in new places and be thrilled by the magical world of two tweens!

We understand the current calibration of the education system which may not encompass all stories, all lives, all histories and the ones undocumented are often interred to oblivion. Therefore, we propose to be a voice for minorities across cultures and nations which in turn will ameliorate the understanding of identity politics, race, gender and struggles throughout history and in contemporaneous times..
It is imperative that values of inclusivity are instilled in the generation to which we hand over the keys of society to make it a welcome, unified habitat for people across genders, cultures and races to co-habit peacefully and happily.
We aim to buttress this cause through our educational forays in the hope that our efforts will be instrumental in effecting an impact on the youth to enable them to further well appreciate culture, race, instill pride in ancestry through a medium which enables them to identify with community stalwarts, leaders and famous personalities.
Our cross-America approach offers the opportunity to glorify and respect the contributions of persons from various states and counties who holistically today have been the bricks and who’s perseverance has been the mortar to solder the mighty America as we know it today- no contribution too insignificant or overlooked.





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